Maxime Old

Maxime Old (1910-1991) is one of the most important designers, decorators, and interior architects of the 20th century. His work was highly appreciated and recognized from the beginning of his career in the 1930s until the end in the 1980s.

After completing his studies at the École Boulle, where he graduated at the top of his class, Maxime Old joined the workshops of Émile-Jacques Ruhlman in 1928 as a draftsman, during which time he learned all the different trades involved in design and craftsmanship.

In 1930, he dedicated himself solely to taking over the family business, and in 1935, he participated for the first time in the Salon des Artistes Décorateurs. He established his style, demonstrating his mastery of color, and his exploration of horizontal lines and forms that were highly modern for the time.

During the post-war period, Maxime Old played an important role in the country’s reconstruction as a member of the Commission du Meuble de France. He worked for major national institutions such as the Mobilier National as well as large shipping and hotel companies.

During these years, he also taught at prestigious schools such as the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. Starting in the 1960s, he became more interested in creating more comprehensive furniture designs, considering the environment in which the pieces would be placed.

He then became an interior architect, designing entire spaces, such as the Paquebot France and the Hôtel de Ville de Rouen.

  • 1917 Sofa

    by Maxime Old

  • 404 Wall Sconce

    by Maxime Old

  • Apparat Table

    by Maxime Old

  • Block Wall Sconce

    by Maxime Old

  • Conseil Chair

    by Maxime Old

  • De Pont Armchar

    by Maxime Old

  • Détente Armchair

    by Maxime Old

  • Hélice Coffee Table

    by Maxime Old

  • Wave Table

    by Maxime Old

  • Marhaba Armchair

    by Maxime Old

  • Desk Y

    by Maxime Old

  • 423 Fireside Chair

    by Maxime Old

  • Etoile Mirror

    by Maxime Old

  • Table basse Saturne

    by Maxime Old

  • Conseil Armachair

    by Maxime Old