Collectible Art Fair 2020

Anne Jacquemin Sablon Gallery is delighted to be back at Collectible 2020 for its third edition and will present designs inspired by the cosmo and the mysteries of the Universe on this occasion. Will be exposed : An original blown glass creation of Jeremy Maxwell Wintrebert, the Belles de Nuit and the Murmure coffee table of Isabelle Azema, the Emilie bronze side table of Irène Maria Ganser, Jade sofa of Atelier Linné, the new Aube…

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Collectible Bruxelles

Collectible is a pioneering fair exclusively gathering unique pieces and limited editions dedicated to contemporary collectible design of the 21st century. COLLECTIBLE, a unique fair dedicated exclusively to 21st century contemporary collectible design, whose second edition will be held from 14 to 17 March 2019, in the centre of Brussels in the Vanderborght building. Conceived as a unifying platform and an exclusive meeting point in the heart of Europe, COLLECTIBLE brings together renowned international galleries…

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